# Edit Your Profile

Your profile on PhotosynQ helps others to learn more about you and to start collaborations. Here you can find how to make changes to your profile.

# User information

  1. Open your user page by clicking on your avatar in the top Menu.
  2. On the left hand side click on Manage Profile.
  3. Make changes to your name, institution and/or biography.
  4. Click on Update to save your changes!

# Profile photo (Avatar)

  1. Open your user page by clicking on your avatar in the top Menu.
  2. On the left hand side click on Manage Profile.
  3. Click on Select Photo underneath the current one and upload your new picture.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom and click on Update to save your new photo!


Keeping you biography and institute/organization up to date will help others to find you and start collaborations.